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  1. There are instructions to how to make "twitter" account : 

    1. 1
      twitter sign up page
      twitter sign up page

      In order to join in on the conversation you will need to go to to create your account.

    2. 2
      CAPTCHA from twitter
      CAPTCHA from twitter

      Go ahead and follow the twitter prompts. Enter your first and last name. Make sure it is your real name. Pick a user name and password, making sure your user name is unique to twitter and contains no special characters. Enter your email address and fill out the CAPTCHA. Please note that you can only have one twitter name per email account. Then click "Create my account".

    3. 3
      Are your friends on twitter?
      Are your friends on twitter?

      Success!! Now that you have a twitter account be sure to check and see whom else you know is part of the twitter-sphere. Twitter will prompt you after you create an account to enter your email address password. This allows twitter to check for you to see if you know anyone on twitter. Finally, lots of celebrities and media networks are on twitter. Be sure to add some of them as well for great bursts of reading material.

    4. 4
      Tell everyone what you are (or are not) doing.
      Tell everyone what you are
       (or are not) doing.


      Finally, it's time to tweet. Tell the world what you are doing in 140 characters or less by entering your status at the website ( after you are logged in. Before you know it, you will have thousands of tweets cataloging your days.

Wilujeung in My site........
Let me Introduce Myself....
nama                        : Ridwan I. Aryana
NIS                         : 070810-258
kelas                        : XII ipa 4
tempat, tanggal lahir  :Karawang, 28 April 1992
alamat                      : Perum Griya sentosa A2/2 Kec. Kotabaru, Karawang 41374

Seiring zaman yang modern ini, Teknologi bukan hanya sebagai penunjang, tetapi merupakan suatu kebutuhan, karena pada hakekatnya Teknologi berguna untuk membantu segala persoalan umat manusia. saat ini, saking kebutuhannya akan teknologi, pendidikan TIK dimulai sejak dini. Mulai SD, SMP, SMU, sampai tingkat yang lebih lanjut.
Nah, berhubung saya sedang menduduki SMU, saya akan mereview apa saja yang diajarkan semasa SMU perihal pelajaran TIK.

  1.  Microsoft word.
            merupakan program pengolah kata yang mana menjadi kurikulum dasar untuk SMU
                                                      tamplan awal  Microsoft Word 2007
program Microsoft Word ini berguna untuk:

  1. untuk pengetikan dasar seperti:
  • Surat 
  • Naskah
  • dan lain sebagainya
2. Microsoft Excel 
     merupakan program pengolah data yang lebih spesifik seperti tabel, diagram, kurva, dsb. 
                                                 Proses pengolahan data di Microsoft Excel 2007
3. Microsoft Power point
      merupakanm program pengolah data yang diperuntukkan untuk persentasi

                                      proses pengolahan data persentasi dalam Microsoft Power Point

4. Internet
     merupakan rangkaian komputer yang terhubung dengan komputer lain hingga ke seluruh dunia. dengan internet kita bisa mendapatkan informasi dimanapun, kapanpun, dan berapapun..
Dalam mencari informasi, kita membutuhkan adanya search engine (mesin pencari) diantaranya :

dan seterusnya. 
selain informasi, kita juga bisa berinteraksi dengan jutaan orang di seluruh dunia dengan beberapa situs jejaring sosial , diantaranya : 

dan sebagainya...
serta, kita bisa menulis dan mengirim surat elektronik (e-mail) dengan :
gmail (produk dari google)

Yahoo Mail (produk dari Yahoo)

That's it from me..................................

Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors or "wires".The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the context is clear, the term is often shortened to "wireless". Wireless communication is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications.
It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable two-way radioscellular telephonespersonal digital assistants (PDAs), andwireless networking. Other examples of wireless technology include GPS units, garage door openers and or garage doors, wireless computer micekeyboards and headsetssatellite television and cordless telephones.


Handheld wireless radios such as this Maritime VHF radio transceiver use electromagnetic waves to implement a form of wireless communications technology.
Wireless operations permits services, such as long range communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires. The term is commonly used in the telecommunications industry to refer to telecommunications systems (e.g. radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls, computer networks, network terminals, etc.) which use some form of energy (e.g. radio frequency (RF), infrared light, laser light, visible light, acoustic energy, etc.) to transfer information without the use of wires. Information is transferred in this manner over both short and long distances.

Wireless communication

  • Professional LMR (Land Mobile Radio) and SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) typically used by business, industrial and Public Safety entities.
  • Consumer Two Way Radio including FRS (Family Radio Service), GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) and Citizens band ("CB") radios.
  • The Amateur Radio Service (Ham radio).
  • Consumer and professional Marine VHF radios.
  • Cellular telephones and pagers: provide connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS): allows drivers of cars and trucks, captains of boats and ships, and pilots of aircraft to ascertain their location anywhere on earth.
  • Cordless computer peripherals: the cordless mouse is a common example; keyboards and printers can also be linked to a computer via wireless.
  • Cordless telephone sets: these are limited-range devices, not to be confused with cell phones.
  • Satellite television: allows viewers in almost any location to select from hundreds of channels.
  • Wireless gaming: new gaming consoles allow players to interact and play in the same game regardless of whether they are playing on different consoles. Players can chat, send text messages as well as record sound and send it to their friends. Controllers also use wireless technology. They do not have any cords but they can send the information from what is being pressed on the controller to the main console which then processes this information and makes it happen in the game. All of these steps are completed in milliseconds.
Wireless networking (i.e. the various types of unlicensed 2.4 GHz WiFi devices) is used to meet many needs. Perhaps the most common use is to connect laptop users who travel from location to location. Another common use is for mobile networks that connect via satellite. A wireless transmission method is a logical choice to network a LAN segment that must frequently change locations. The following situations justify the use of wireless technology:
  • To span a distance beyond the capabilities of typical cabling,
  • To provide a backup communications link in case of normal network failure,
  • To link portable or temporary workstations,
  • To overcome situations where normal cabling is difficult or financially impractical, or
  • To remotely connect mobile users or networks.
Wireless communication can be via:
The term "wireless" should not be confused with the term "cordless", which is generally used to refer to powered electrical or electronic devices that are able to operate from a portable power source (e.g. a battery pack) without any cable or cord to limit the mobility of the cordless device through a connection to the mains power supply. Some cordless devices, such as cordless telephones, are also wireless in the sense that information is transferred from the cordless telephone to the telephone's base unit via some type of wireless communications link. This has caused some disparity in the usage of the term "cordless", for example in Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications.
In the last fifty years, wireless communications industry experienced drastic changes driven by many technology innovations



The world's first wireless telephone conversation occurred in 1880, when Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter invented and patented the photophone, a telephone that conducted audio conversations wirelessly over modulated light beams (which are narrow projections of electromagnetic waves). In that distant era when utilities did not yet exist to provide electricity, and lasers had not even been conceived of inscience fiction, there were no practical applications for their invention, which was highly limited by the availability of both sunlight and good weather. Similar to free space optical communication, the photophone also required a clear line of sight between its transmitter and its receiver. It would be several decades before the photophone's principals found their first practical applications in military communications and later infiber-optic communications.


The term "wireless" came into public use to refer to a radio receiver or transceiver (a dual purpose receiver and transmitter device), establishing its usage in the field of wireless telegraphy early on; now the term is used to describe modern wireless connections such as in cellular networks and wireless broadband Internet. It is also used in a general sense to refer to any type of operation that is implemented without the use of wires, such as "wireless remote control" or "wireless energy transfer", regardless of the specific technology (e.g. radioinfrared,ultrasonic) that is used to accomplish the operation. While Guglielmo Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun were awarded the 1909 Nobel Prize for Physics for their contribution to wireless telegraphy, it has only been of recent years that Nikola Tesla has been formally recognized as the true father and inventor of radio.

Early wireless work

David E. Hughes, eight years before Hertz's experiments, transmitted radio signals over a few hundred yards by means of a clockwork keyed transmitter. As this was before Maxwell work was understood, Hughes' contemporaries dismissed his achievement as mere "Induction". In 1885, T. A. Edison used a vibrator magnet for induction transmission. In 1888, Edison deploys a system of signaling on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. In 1891, Edison obtained the wireless patent for this method using inductance (U.S. Patent 465,971).
In the history of wireless technology, the demonstration of the theory of electromagnetic waves by Heinrich Hertz in 1888 was important.The theory of electromagnetic waves were predicted from the research of James Clerk Maxwell and Michael Faraday. Hertz demonstrated that electromagnetic waves could be transmitted and caused to travel through space at straight lines and that they were able to be received by an experimental apparatus. The experiments were not followed up by Hertz. Jagadish Chandra Bose around this time developed an early wireless detection device and help increase the knowledge of millimeter length electromagnetic waves.. Practical applications of wireless radio communication and radio remote control technology were implemented by later inventors, such as Nikola Tesla.

The electromagnetic spectrum

Light, colors, AM and FM radio, and electronic devices make use of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the US, the frequencies that are available for use for communication are treated as a public resource and are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. This determines which frequency ranges can be used for what purpose and by whom. In the absence of such control or alternative arrangements such as a privatized electromagnetic spectrum, chaos might result if, for example, airlines didn't have specific frequencies to work under and an amateur radio operator was interfering with the pilot's ability to land an airplane. Wireless communication spans the spectrum from 9 kHz to 300 GHz. (Also see Spectrum management)

Applications of wireless technology

Security systems

Wireless technology may supplement or replace hard wired implementations in security systems for homes or office buildings.

Television remote control

Modern televisions use wireless (generally infrared) remote control units. Now radio waves are also used.

Cellular telephone (phones and modems)

Perhaps the best known example of wireless technology is the cellular telephone and modems. These instruments use radio waves to enable the operator to make phone calls from many locations worldwide. They can be used anywhere that there is a cellular telephone site to house the equipment that is required to transmit and receive the signal that is used to transfer both voice and data to and from these instruments.


Wi-Fi is a wireless LAN technology that enables laptop PCs, PDAs, and other devices to connect easily to the internet. Technically known asIEEE 802.11 a,b,g,n, Wi-Fi is less expensive and nearing the speeds of standard Ethernet and other common wire-based LAN technologies. Several Wi-Fi hot spots have been popular over the past few years. Some businesses charge customers a monthly fee for service, while others have begun offering it for free in an effort to increase the sales of their goods.

Wireless energy transfer

Wireless energy transfer is a process whereby electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to an electrical load that does not have a built-in power source, without the use of interconnecting wires.

Computer Interface Devices

Answering the call of customers frustrated with cord clutter, many manufactures of computer peripherals turned to wireless technology to satisfy their consumer base. Originally these units used bulky, highly limited transceivers to mediate between a computer and a keyboard and mouse, however more recent generations have used small, high quality devices, some even incorporating Bluetooth. These systems have become so ubiquitous that some users have begun complaining about a lack of wired peripherals. Wireless devices tend to have a slightly slower response time than their wired counterparts, however the gap is decreasing. Initial concerns about the security of wireless keyboards have also been addressed with the maturation of the technology.
Many scientists have complained that wireless technology interferes with their experiments, forcing them to use less optimal peripherals because the optimum one is not available in a wired version. This has become especially prevalent among scientists who use trackballsas the number of models in production steadily decreases.

source: Wikipedia

opologi jaringan komputer adalah bentuk perancangan baik secara fisik maupun secara logik yang digunakan untuk membangun sebuah jaringan komputer. Ada 3 Topologi dasar jaringan komputer, yaitu sbb.
1. Linear Bus
Server=================== backbone==
Pada topologi linear bus semua PC (terminal) dihubungkan pada jalur data (bus) yang berbentuk garis lurus (linear). Sehingga, data yang dikirim akan melalui semua terminal pada jalur tersebut. Jika alamat data tersebut sesuai dengan alamat yang dilalui, maka data tersebut akan diterima dan diproses. Namun, jika alamat tidak sesuai, maka data akan diabaikan oleh terminal yang dilalui dan pencarian alamat akan diteruskan hingga ditemukan alamat yang sesuai.
- hemat kabel
- mudah dikembangkan
- tidak membutuhkan kendali pusat
- layout kabel sederhana
- penambahan dan pengurangan terminal dapat dilakukan tanpa mengganggu operasi yang berjalan.
- deteksi dan isolasi kesalahan sangat kecil
- kepadatan lalu lintas tinggi
- keamanan data kurang terjamin
- kecepatan akan menurun bila jumlah user (pemakai) bertambah
- diperlukan repeater untuk jarak jauh
2. ring
PC1 server
_|_ /
PC2 -- ( _ _ ) – PC3
Pada topologi ring semua PC (terminal) dihubungkan pada jalur data (bus) yang membentuk lingkaran. Sehingga, setiap terminal dalam jaringan saling tergantung. Akibatnya, apabila terjadi kerusakan pada satu terminal, maka seluruh jaringan akan terganggu.
- hemat kabel
- tidak perlu penanganan bundel kabel khusus’
- dapat melayani lalu lintas data yang padat
- peka kesalahan
- pengembangan jaringan lebih kaku
- lambat
- kerusakan pada media pengirim/ terminal dapat melumpuhkan kerja seluruh jaringan
3. Star
PC1 Server
| /
PC2 – HUB – PC3
Pada topologi star semua PC (terminal) dihubungkan pada terminal pusat (server) yang menyediakan jalur komunikasi khusus untuk terminal yang akan berkomunikasi. Sehingga, setiap pengiriman data yang terjadi akan melalui terminal pusat.
- paling fleksibel karena pemasangan kabel mudah
- penambahan atau pengurangan terminal sangat mudah dan tidak mengganggu bagian jaringan yang lain
- kontrol terpusat sehingga memudahkan dalam deteksi dan isolasi kesalahan serta memudahkan pengelolaan jaringan
- boros kabel
- kontrol terpusat (HUB) jadi elemen kritis
- perlu penanganan khusus bundel kabel
Selain ketiga topologi dasar di atas juga terdapat topologi lainnya yang merupakan hasil pengembangan dari ketiga topologi tersebut. Topologi yang lainnya tersebut, antara lain:
1. tree/ hierarkis –merupakan hasil dari gabungan topologi bus dan star yang bentuknya seperti pohon bercabang;
2. mesh –merupakan hasil dari gabungan topologi bus, star, dan ring;
3. web –setiap terminal dalam topologi ini dapat saling berhubungan dengan terminal lainnya melalui beberapa link;dll.