There are instructions to how to make "twitter" account :
twitter sign up page
In order to join in on the conversation you will need to go to to create your account.
CAPTCHA from twitter
Go ahead and follow the twitter prompts. Enter your first and last name. Make sure it is your real name. Pick a user name and password, making sure your user name is unique to twitter and contains no special characters. Enter your email address and fill out the CAPTCHA. Please note that you can only have one twitter name per email account. Then click "Create my account".
Are your friends on twitter?
Success!! Now that you have a twitter account be sure to check and see whom else you know is part of the twitter-sphere. Twitter will prompt you after you create an account to enter your email address password. This allows twitter to check for you to see if you know anyone on twitter. Finally, lots of celebrities and media networks are on twitter. Be sure to add some of them as well for great bursts of reading material.
Tell everyone what you are(or are not) doing.
Finally, it's time to tweet. Tell the world what you are doing in 140 characters or less by entering your status at the website ( after you are logged in. Before you know it, you will have thousands of tweets cataloging your days.